Monday, 30 May 2011


I'm so happy! After waiting for months for them to come back in stock, I have finally bought some of Jeffrey Campbell's Litas! I went for the black velvet ones. I did want black suede but I read a few reviews saying they can be completely destroyed after a second in the rain. This style has a much nicer heel colour as well.


They're available from Sole Struck, go to the link to buy your own, they ship internationally.

Sunday, 29 May 2011


I've grown a big love for studded clothing. Felice Fawn has been creating a lot of her own custom items with studs and it's inspired me to possibly make some for myself. I love the punk look it gives clothing, especially paired with a delicate looking outfit. I love the idea of pretty, dainty girls wearing jackets or shoes totally covered in angry looking spikes.

I might have to start looking through my old clothes to find something stud-able. I found a couple of places online to buy them, but they tend to either be overseas, really expensive, or only selling in the 1000s; I don't think I'm quite ready for that.

Amazon sell them, but it seems like a lot of money for the quantity

Saturday, 28 May 2011


I hadn't really posted any of my drawings yet and a few of you had asked to see them. These are the only ones I have photos of. I have a few paintings in books and more intricate work at my father's house which I'll try and remember to photograph. 

Image from Style magazine
me & my boyfriend
Akari model
Akari model & George Orwell


"Bathing suit ca. 1989
The Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art"
source omgthatdress

Friday, 27 May 2011


Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted much in depth stuff recently, I'm just doing a stupid amount of essay writing and revising for uni at the moment. All free from Friday 3rd June (7 days away!) and I'll be back to normal. 

Septum Piercing

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

flower crown, topshop


everything a model should be.



New blue vintage swimsuit, perfect with a short black skirt and platforms. I wore it to a forest party on Saturday with my rainbow shorts and I loved the combination. If only I had photos from the night, it was like a dream.

Monday, 23 May 2011